The Fight for Life – Battle101j

The beauty of success is to have faced pain and failure. TO RISE when ‘the odds’, common sense, physical ability and emotions declare defeat.

There’s nothing new about satan and this world making strong men weak. However, God’s sweet glory is how He makes weak men strong.

Change the perspective people! Change the narrative from I, Me, Meee. Yearn and fight FOR Jesus. Don’t just rise, RESURRECT! Prov 24:16. 1Cor 15:31

The Fight for Life – Battle101i

Stop dancing around the rim. There’s no justification for indecisiveness or ‘double dipping’. A little bile ALWAYS ruins the entire pot.

I plead, be strong and resolute about the things that matter most: your faith, family, and life. Self-reflect and follow hard after the truth in God’s word.

We cannot afford to let our appetites choose weakness over strength; pleasure over life.

Prov 26:11. 1Cor 10:12. #TrulyFree #TeamJesus #NoVices

The Fight for Life – Battle101h

Rest is part of the equation. Wake, work, AND rest. Part and parcel people! Don’t let pride hold you back from seeking relief. Obtain help from God in spirit and be accepting of others. Mr Buff… ‘Isan lo pa Bruce Lee’ :D. No such thing as self-made.

In our weakness, Jesus is our strength. Through life’s toil, God is our unfathomable rest. Only ASK. He is the unbreakable hero. Tap into grace. Judges 15:18-20

The Fight for Life – Battle101g

Power punch combo: Give God the honor He alone is due. Many strong men have fallen due to arrogance. A fatal fault in character. Brother, pride is the devil’s down-payment for hell. Humility is a better security, invest in it.

All that is of worth in us is Gods’ and from God. Life, wealth, health and virtue;… God is the true legend, not you. Not me. In your pursuit for glory, pause and enjoy this irony: God is the King of Glory, The Father; seeking to bring His children into glory. Matthew 6:33

The Fight for Life – Battle101f

La familia, get up. We keep blaming others for our circumstance. It’s impossible for us to have absolutely no part in where we land. One walks towards a ditch before falling in it.

Climb the walls, stop clawing at it. Humble yourself and let God lead you to freedom. And if truly you’re Mr. Job without fault; victory and success comes from the Lord, not revenge. #NoVices.

James 1:20.

The Fight for Life – Battle101d

People, ignorance is a trap. Willpower has no bearing on resisting temptation. No man has a ‘natural advantage’ over sin. So nope, you can’t handle it. Don’t taste the ‘honey’. The Spirit gives power over sin, guiding us AWAY from it, NOT THRU IT.

Mai mahn! You don’t need that ‘shiny’ temptation; you’re not entitled to it; and again YOU CAN’T HANDLE IT. Look away. Ephesians 6:10

The Fight for Life – Battle 101c

Oh! That non-chalant attitude is going to cost something. Greatness loves principles. Mr wise man, rules are NOT MEANT TO BE BROKEN. Rules are rules for a reason. Don’t let what you want be all you can think about. Many of us are like Samson, digging our hands into CARCASSES for ‘honey’ that’ll cost us virtue. Shine God’s light on your desires. The devil puts honey in carcasses. Judges 14:5-9. James 4.

The Fight for Life – Battle 101b

Lust weakens even the strongest of us. Ask Samson. It throws restraint out of the window. The best boxers know that defense is a powerful strategy.

Mind where you place your feet, you just might determine your destination.

Control the ‘shiny’ pleasures. First, put those fists up! Then land the knockout! The floor is devil’s place. Judges 14:3. 1Corinthians 10:12.